Browns Plains State High School has agreements with external RTO's to offer the following qualifications.
TAFE Queensland SkillsTech (RTO: 0275)
CPC10120 - Certificate I in Construction
MEM20422 - Certificate II in Engineering Pathways
MEM30522 - Certificate III in Engineering – Technical
Training Direct Australia PTY LTD (RTO: 32355)
SIT20322 – Certificate II in Hospitality (PDF, 190KB)
SIT30622 – Certificate III in Hospitality (PDF, 183KB)
Prestige Service Training (RTO: 31981)
BSB50215 – Diploma of Business (PDF, 1.38MB)
For information at Browns Plains State High School regarding VET training and School based apprenticeships and traineeships, please contact the Industry Liaison Officer (ILO) Candice Jackson ( or HoD Senior Schooling Michelle Shields (