At times there may be a need for a student to seek support for their learning due to foreseen or unforeseen circumstances that impact their ability to engage in their educational program. In these circumstances, the school will work with a student and parent/carer to provide appropriate support. Our school operates in line with policy and procedures from the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) for providing Special Provision, Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments (AARA) or Illness/Misadventure support for students.
Please refer to our AARA information for Senior students' page for more information.
The Strategic Plan 2022-2025 (PDF, 7.4MB) outlines the school's philosophy and the key focus areas.
The Student Code of Conduct (PDF, 1,684 KB) clearly sets out expectations about staff responsibilities to support students to understand and meet discipline expectations of the school, and guidance on the application, where required, of disciplinary consequences.
Our Student Engagement and Connectedness was introduced in 2019 and outlines the school's new Attitude to Learning (ATL) Framework and the Follow Your Passion (FYP) Program.